Found 75 blog entries tagged as homeowners. writes, "Tax season can be very stressful for many Americans—and for homeowners, having a place to call home can add another layer of complexity.

Sure, several tax breaks are available to owners. However, navigating them, finding the appropriate forms, and ensuring you do not forget any deductions can be challenging.

Recently, a real estate expert posted a TikTok video reminding homeowners that one of these tax forms could actually help them get a tax bonus this year. The video was liked more than 26,000 times, underscoring taxpayers’ interest in understanding deductions as much as possible. 

Real estate agent warns not to throw out your recent mortgage statement

TikTok user and mortgage expert @loanladyliz explained that there…

20 Views, 0 Comments shares, "A few years ago, my husband and I bought a townhome. The place is perfect for us, in a great area with nice neighbors, but it’s modestly sized and, admittedly, a little dated. It’s certainly not a luxury property—though seemingly well within the means of two 30-something professionals.

But with HOA dues, unexpected home repairs, car fixes, as well as the cost of two kids (and another on the way), I’m dedicated to clipping coupons and find myself biting my nails whenever I get an unexpected bill.

It’s no wonder I’m always stressed during tax season.

“How much do we owe this time?” I ask my husband every year, usually rubbing my temples as I try to fight off a money-induced migraine.

But recently, I realized that our…

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Housing experts foresee predictable mortgage rates, a steady supply of inventory, and consistent sales trends in Austin’s future.  Photo by ATXtoday

ATX Today writes, "Predictable, steady, opportunity. Those are the words Unlock MLS Housing Economist Dr. Clare Knapp used to describe Austin’s housing market this year at the Austin Board of Realtors Headquarters today.

If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in the Capital City in 2025, here’s what to expect. 

1. Predictable mortgage rates

Knapp said mortgage rates will likely stay in the 6% range during the first half of the year and might dip into the 5% range later in 2025.

2. Consistent home prices + sales

Active listings in Austin were up by nearly 15% in 2024, and Knapp said healthy inventory is expected to carry over into 2025. Home sales and prices will probably remain flat, but Knapp emphasized that prospects may still be…

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Austin's city leaders still haven't found the key to balancing vacation rentals and permanent residences. Photo by Jakub Żerdzicki on Unsplash

CultureMap Austin writes, "Austinites may be friendly, but the city as a whole fosters many conflicting feelings about vacation rentals. A January memo from assistant city manager Veronica Briseño alerts the City Council that some proposed changes are coming regarding regulating short-term rentals (STRs).

The changes will have to go through several filters first: public meetings plus separate Planning Commission and City Council meetings in February and April. The memo says "the changes will apply to a significant number of properties throughout the City."

It's difficult to summarize or forecast concerns associated with STRs, because they vary widely depending on changing factors. It's not just who's visiting and how well they behave, but…

31 Views, 0 Comments writes, "You might think you already know about any liens on a property you already own. However, the fact is they can lurk beneath your radar and pop up at the most inopportune times.

Like when you’re getting ready to sell your place—and a search of public records uncovers the lien.

This can be very bad news, resulting in delays in selling your home or, worse, throwing a wrench into the whole deal. The good news is that finding out if there are liens on your property is simple—and by finding out early, you can make sure it won’t hinder selling your home, whenever that takes place.

Here’s how to find out if there is a lien on a property, plus how to do a property lien search by address.

What is a lien? Types of liens on homes

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Santa Rita Ranch is located in fast-growing Liberty Hill in Williamson County. KENNON EVETT

Austin Business Journal reports, "For the fifth-straight year, Liberty Hill’s Santa Rita Ranch is the top-selling master-planned community in the Austin metro, and it's also in the top 20 nationally.

The sprawling neighborhood claimed the metro's title despite an overall drop in home sales compared to 2023, according to Robert Charles Lesser & Co.’s 2024 list of the best-selling master-planned communities in the nation. It came in at No. 18 nationally, with no other community in the Austin metro in the top 50.

Overall, 644 homes were sold in Santa Rita Ranch in 2024, compared to 742 in 2023, a 13% drop. In Texas, communities in Katy, Cypress, Aubrey and New Caney ranked higher on the national list.

“It was a busy year in Santa Rita Ranch,”…

31 Views, 0 Comments reports, "Mortgage rates jumped to a six-month high of 6.93%, up from 6.91% last week, for the average 30-year fixed home loan for the week ending Jan. 9, according to Freddie Mac.

“In the first full week of the new year, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage remained elevated at just under 7%,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief economist. “The continued strength of the economy has put upward pressure on mortgage rates, and along with high home prices, continues to impact housing affordability.”

Khater also pointed to a continued lack of entry-level inventory, which presents a stumbling block, especially for consumers looking to become first-time homeowners.

“The Freddie Mac rate for a 30-year mortgage climbed this week as the…

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(Mario Tama/Getty Images) writes, "The U.S. housing market crawled to a standstill last year—and while the latest projections show that 2025 is expected to bring only limited relief to buyers and sellers, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

The year closed out with the strongest seasonal slump since January 2023. Homes lingered on the market for a whopping 70 days, up from 62 in November. It made December 2024 the slowest festive season in five years.

Inventory also plummeted 8.6% from November, marking the most precipitous drop in nearly two years.

Meanwhile, mortgage rates reached a six-month high, hitting 6.91% for the average 30-year fixed home loan for the week ending Jan. 2, according to the latest numbers from Freddie Mac.

On top of…

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Potential homebuyers in Austin may see improving mortgage rates and home prices in 2025, according to Zillow. Photo by Justin Wallace on Unsplash

CultureMap Austin writes, "It looks like a few more people are about to turn their online home shopping daydreams into reality in 2025. Zillow, the famous real estate listings website, says in a press release that next year will likely bring "a gradual but bumpy decline in rates, impacting sales and price growth."

It attributes the forecast to "erratic and dramatic mortgage rate movements" throughout 2024, which will continue to affect the market. The website's housing market predictions report estimates that 2025 will see about 100,000 more sales than 2024, that home value growth will be "low and slow" at 2.2 percent, and that inventory and new listings will continue recovering from pandemic weakness.

On a local scale, Zillow's latest data…

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Key points:

  • During NAR’s annual real estate forecast summit, a panel of economists shared predictions for their markets in 2025.
  • Compared to much of the country, Austin and Florida have significant inventory, while in Virginia and California, supply remains constrained.
  • Regional issues including post-boom rebalancing, chronic underbuilding and job shifts will continue to impact local markets next year. writes, "As real estate agents and brokers prepare for 2025, they will need to consider how national forecasts — including predictions of more transactions in 2025 — apply to their local markets.

While the mantra "all real estate is local" remains in play, some trends proved fairly consistent between 2020 and…

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