Community Impact highlights Silverado Ranch. "Situated just south of Whitestone Boulevard in Cedar Park, the Silverado Ranch neighborhood, developed by KB Homes starting in 2005, includes a variety of home sizes and prices.
The neighborhood is located close to Brushy Creek Park, Gupton Stadium, H-E-B and the 1890 Ranch shopping center. Residents of Silverado Ranch have access to a community pool with a clubhouse, picnic facilities and a playground.
- Median home value: $602,000
- Homes on the market*: 2
- Homes under contract*:2
- Median annual property taxes: $12,981
- Median price per square foot: $247
- Average days on the market*: 87
- Build-out year: 2012
- Builders include: KB Homes
- Square footage: 1,300-5,500
- Home values: $350,000-$950,000
- HOA dues (estimated): $50 per month
- Schools: Reagan Elementary, Henry Middle, Vista Ridge High schools
Property taxes (in dollars):
Austin Community College: 0.098700
City of Cedar Park: 0.390000
Leander ISD: 1.274600
Williamson County: 0.338116
Williamson County FM/RD: 0.037492
Upper Brushy Creek WCID: 0.017500
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.156408"
Source: Community Impact
Written by: Claire Shoop
Published: February 9, 2023
Posted by Grossman & Jones Group on
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